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A member registered Oct 30, 2022

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What are the spec requirements?

W Head mistress for not promoting Xenophobic demon stereotypes

This feels like something you'd create after smoking the 40 gram joint that one YouTuber smoked

76 down votes

Likin' whee it's goin', unfortunately there's a really bad glitch on mobile where text gets blocked a lot

Amazing game 🙏

Treating this like a football team general manager watchin' a young prospect develop.



27th of July is what I heard, though that is today

oh hell yeh

Patreon hasn't had a weekly update in about 3 weeks, big sad

Good game. Short, sweet. I like

As someone who hasn't put money into this, that's just a shady way to do it lol

It should show you a screen stating that there's not more content til next update, I've heard that's around mid July.

(1 edit)

Text kinda clumps a lot on mobile (maybe other platforms, not sure), but other than that it's feeling real good so far!

- this game shows great potential.

True ending :(

Usually says it in the notes

This a /j moment?

Good game, indeed.

They call me Carlos Alcaraz in these parts

so real and so slay


I'm Bojack the horse, Bojack the horse don't act like you don't know.

Slime is the top g.

I agree and thank you.

This is a timeless masterpiece. When I was made aware of this game I instantly did 4 backflips in a row followed by a backwards summersualt. I am so joyed to be able to play 5 Nights at Nikocado Avocado's.

Putta lotta more time into it, very good. I love this novel.

Do you get to play through all the first evening scenes eventually or do you get to only choose one? I find them all very endearing. I find Sarah's adorable and Sam's flushes out the characters so well. (Have not done lord Ashley's yet.) But I am curious to know. It will be an unfortunately difficult choice to make if I only get to choose one. Also so far very great game, even the non nsfw parts are very enjoyable.

Too long didn't read 

Can't wait for more updates.  Good game

Unfortunate. Thank you! :)

Is there a fix for save data being wiped? It happens extremely often

is Neet girl trans? I for some reason keep thinking she is, and if so that’s extremely based. Also the “stuffed shark”

English 100